Welcome to the West Carleton Skating Club
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Frequently Asked Question: Starskate Program
Q: How do I dress my child for this program?
A: Skaters should wear comfortable, clothing which is warm and allows them to move freely. We suggest leggings and tights underneath, a fleece with another layer on top and warm mitts. Skaters should have their hair tied back and consider a headband or hat for warmth. Also ensure their skates have been sharpened recently!
Q: Is a helmet required for my child in this program?
A: If your child has not completed CanSkate badge 5 though in the Junior Starskate program, a helmet is mandatory. Please ensure your child’s helmet is a CSA approved hockey helmet.
Q: What skates do I buy my child in this program?
A: Your skater will require lace up figure skates. At the Junior Starskate level, figures skates can be purchased at a variety of sports shops or from another parent. Keep in mind at the Junior level, you will find children grow out of skates (similar to shoes) quickly. Once they enter the intermediate or Senior level, figure skates may be purchased, from another parent, at B-Sharp or Figure 8 (these shops will ask your child’s skating level, single jumps, etc. to ensure your skater is fitted into the appropriate skates. Also, don’t forget to check the Classified tab on our website as you may find a nearly new, used pair of skate
Q: How are the skating lessons structured?
A: Skaters at the Junior Starskate level have usually passed CanSkate badge 4 or recommended by a coach. They will participate in group format lessons and also use independent time to practice skills. The club provides an NCCP certified Professional Coach for these lessons.
Once skaters advance into Intermediate Starskate level, they will be required to hire a professional coach (review our Coaches in the About Us tab) and arrange the type and length of lessons, etc. directly with the coach who will bill you directly. Please approach the coaches, via their contact information provided on the website or arrange to meet in person at a mutually agreed date and time. The Coach’s Code of Conduct states that coaches are not to approach parents to express interest in working with your child.
Q: If my child misses a session, is he/she able to make it up by attending an alternate day?
A: At the Junior Starskate level, our program structure does not allow for make-up sessions.
If your skater is at the Intermediate/Senior level and needs to attend an alternate session at their same level to work with their coach, a request is to be made to the Club and a guest skate fee for that session will be required.
Q: How often and where do I have skate sharpened?
A: Usually skates are sharpened after 30-40 hours of skating. Please review the WCSC Handbook located under About Us in Resources tab to find a few locations where skates can be sharpened.
Q: When does my child need a skating dress?
A: Once your skate reaches the testing level or enters a competition, she will need a skating dress. The coaches will let you know. Speak to other parents about borrowing a dress or purchasing second hand as often their skater has grown out of dresses and check our Classified.
Q: What does my son need to wear for testing or competition?
A: He will usually wear dark pants and shirt.
Q: When will my child move to Intermediate Starskate?
A: Skaters who are already skating in the Starskate program and who are recommended by a coach will move into Intermediate Starskate. Skaters at this level are working on Star 2 and up. Skaters are coached privately, semi-private or in small group lessons at this level and will be responsible for hiring their own coach for lessons who will provide their bill directly to you.
Q: How will I know when my skater will begin Star testing?
A: Starskate testing begins at the Intermediate Starskate level. Your skater’s coach will email you that your skater is ready to test. The Test Chair will email parents about how to pay for test fees. All test fees must be paid, in advance, before the test can commence on ice as required by Skate Canada. The Star 1 – 5 test fee is $12.00 for each test. As the test will take place during regular scheduled lesson time, your coach will bill you for their time conducting the test.
Please feel free to contact us regarding any questions and/or concerns you may have regarding the above at skate@wcskatingclub.ca.
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